Films are often merely the visible part of a director's work, in other words the projects that he manages to bring to fruition. But for one completed film, how many other projects developed over months and even years fall by the wayside? I am no exception. For each film that I manage to make, there are in general three or four others that are stillborn. Here are a few of them, whose screenplays I have written and that have not (or not yet, who can say!) become films.

"LA GALÈRE", eight people on a yacht or how the paradise of the sea can become a hell!
"V.I.T.R.I.O.L", a very esoteric, post-nuclear tale.
"FIEF", a mediaeval epic, co-written with Alain Riondet and that, although it hasn't become a film, is a book (published by "Vent de sable").
"BOB ET BARBARA", co-written with Alain Riondet, the encounter between a racing driver who can no longer race and an actress who can no longer cry.
"NONOZYGOTES", a story about twins, and a personal account too since I really have a twin brother!
"QUELQU'UN QUI M'AIME", a comedy on the difficulty of finding a soul-mate.
"LE FAUCON BLANC", the story of a master falconer and a child, in the Middle Ages.
"AUJOURD'HUI PLUS QU'HIER", a young woman meets a man and is convinced that they have already met, two hundred years before.
"UNE HISTOIRE D'AMOUR", a very romantic encounter in the 1970s.

What does a director do when he isn't shooting and when he isn't writing? I don't know about others but when I'm not shooting, I dream of shooting! In other words, the cinema is my obsession. I am what is known as a "workaholic"! It's all I think of. Of course, I leave a little room for reading, music and sport (if you can call it that!). I see a lot of plays and nearly all the French films released, mainly for the actors' work.

A hobby? Not really! Well, yes, I write songs. But, so far, no one has sung them! I have taken a close interest in the study of esotericism and symbolism but, since there is a time for everything, a time for intellectual considerations and a time for directing, I above all think about "doing" for now (which, fortunately, isn't the contrary of "being"!).